Tips for Breastfeeding a Newborn

Breastfeeding is a way to bond with your newborn while giving them the nutrition they need. However, it can be daunting, especially in the early days. If you're overwhelmed, don't worry, most new mothers have been there. Here are some times for breastfeeding your newborn. Contact the pediatricians at Pediatric Associates of Davidson County in Nashville, TN if you have questions about breastfeeding.

Start as Soon as Possible

Breastfeed your newborn as soon as you can after birth, within the first hour or so if you can. Your baby has been through a lot and will be eager to nurse. Also, the sooner you breastfeed, the more milk you will produce. 

Find a Comfortable Position

Latching isn't always easy, and you may have to try out a few positions before you figure out the best way for your baby to do it. An improper latch can cause discomfort and make breastfeeding more difficult. Adjust your baby's head and angle until you find one that works.

Set Up a Regular Feeding Schedule

Establishing a routine with a newborn can be tricky, but it will make it much easier for you both. Try to be consistent with feeding times, which will help you monitor how much your baby is consuming. Breastmilk protects your baby against illnesses and diseases, which is especially important for newborns. 

Look After Yourself

Many new parents prioritize their baby's well-being over their own. While this is understandable, you must stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet to ensure your baby receives the nutrition they need. Breastfeeding doesn't just benefit your newborn. It also reduces your risk of breast and ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. 

Cherish This Time

You and your baby have been on an amazing journey together, but it doesn't end at childbirth. These will be days you'll look back on fondly. Relax, and enjoy these special moments together. 

Don't Go It Alone

Don't be frightened about asking for help. Your family, friends, neighbors, and medical team are here to ensure you have the support you need. These early days are exciting but can also feel isolating, but with some help from those around you, they'll be much easier.

Contact Pediatric Associates of Davidson County in Nashville, TN

Pediatric Associates of Davidson County in Nashville, TN, is here to guide you through this exciting time. Our pediatricians can teach you everything you need to know about breastfeeding so your little one gets the nourishment they deserve. Health starts early, and we'll teach you everything you need to know about enhancing your newborn's growth and development.

Learn more about breastfeeding by calling (615) 329-3595.

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