Why Immunizations Are Important

Helping children stay healthy and happy is the top priority for the team at Pediatric Associates of Davidson County in Nashville, TN. Kids immunizationsneed special attention, care, and treatments because they are still developing and growing. One of the health-related issues that need to be addressed for young people is getting them immunized. Find out why immunizations are important and when you and your child should see your pediatrician.

Immunizations for Children 
Diseases spread more easily among school-aged children because they are required to be in enclosed spaces with each other for long periods of time each day. Germs constantly circulate through schools, on surfaces, in the air, and through contact when kids are playing. For this reason, pediatricians, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommend immunizations for young children. The first immunizations are given shortly after birth and continue up until the age of 18.

Why They’re Important
Children are not as aware as adults of the presence of germs in their environment. Because of this, they are more prone to catching and spreading bacteria and viruses to others around them. Some health concerns are relatively minor, like the common cold, but others can be life-threatening like the measles, meningitis, and poliovirus. The CDC estimates that vaccinations will prevent over 700,000 deaths.

Commonly Suggested Immunizations 
The pediatricians at Pediatric Associates of Davidson County in Nashville, TN can help you stay up to date with immunizations. Here is a short list of some of the most common immunizations that are strongly recommended for children:

- HepB and HepA
- Rotavirus
- Flu shots
- Tetanus shots
- Meningococcal vaccine (to prevent meningitis infections)
- MMR (to prevent measles, mumps, and rubella)
- HPV vaccine for children ages 11-12

Schedule Your Child’s Immunizations Today
Even if you haven’t been keeping up to date with your child’s recommended immunizations, a pediatrician at Pediatric Associates of Davidson County can help you get back on track. Call the Nashville, TN office at (615) 329-3595 to set up your next appointment.

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8:30 am-12:00 PM

