FAQs about Newborn Child Care

Caring for a newborn can be a little overwhelming, even if you spent months reading everything you could find on newborn care. Taking a look at these common concerns just may answer a few of your questions. Your child's Nashville, TN, pediatricians at Pediatric Associates of Davidson County can offer recommendations and advice that will help you ensure that your baby is growing and thriving.

How often should my baby eat?

Bottle-fed babies usually need feedings every three to four hours, while breastfed babies feed every two to three hours. Of course, the ideal feeding schedule depends on your baby. If your newborn no longer seems interested in the bottle or breast, he or she is probably full.

Signs that your baby may not be getting enough milk or formula may include crying when feeding stops or fussiness. Failing to wet six to eight diapers daily after five days may also indicate that your baby isn't eating enough.

What can I do if I'm having trouble breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding sounds fairly straightforward, but it can be much more complicated than it seems. If you're having trouble with latching on, sore nipples, or are concerned that your baby isn't getting enough milk, get in touch with the Nashville, TN, pediatrics office. The pediatricians and physician assistants can offer suggestions that will make breastfeeding easier.

Is co-sleeping a good idea?

Sleeping with your baby is certainly more convenient for feeding, but the practice can be dangerous. If you fall asleep, you may accidentally roll over on your baby. It's best to follow the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation and place a crib or bassinet in the same room with you rather than sleeping with your child.

When should I call the pediatrician?

You know your baby better than anyone else and can spot subtle differences in his or her appearance or behavior that may indicate a health problem. Give the office a call if you have any concerns or notice that your child has trouble breathing, their eyes or skin look yellow, or there are no bowel movements in the first two days after you bring your baby from the hospital.

Be sure to call the office if your baby produces fewer than three wet diapers per day, has a fever of 100.4 or higher, has diarrhea, is vomiting, or you see pus or swelling around the umbilical cord.

Do you have a question or concern about your newborn? Call (615) 329-3595 to reach your child's pediatrician in Nashville, TN, at Pediatric Associates of Davidson County.

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